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Solent UK Race Series - May

Racing offshore (well, around the Solent) in the UK. This is an exciting series of weekend racing that ZISC will send a team to participate in.

Where: Solent, UK (start and finish in Portsmouth)

When: Friday 5th to Sunday 7th May 2023. 5 weekends in total (see below for dates, you can do one or them all).

Boats: 40ft, 3 cabin, with racing spinnaker

Experience Required: None (we’ll have a mix of abilities on board)

Skipper and Crew: All ZISC members. Crew of 4 to 8.

Cost: The boat (including accommodation on board) and race entry is approximately £250 per person for the weekend. Additional cost is the flights, airport transfer (approx £60 per person) and your food / drinks.  

Other Requirements: A sense of adventure. We’ll be racing in all weather. Sun, rain, high winds. Whatever we get.

Accommodation: Either on the boat or if you prefer, in a local hotel (rooms typically available for £60 per night).

1. 24-26 March
2. 14-16 April
3. 6-7 May
4. 15-16 July
5. 14-15 Oct

The racing is on matched 40ft boats, so all the teams have the same style of boat, it’s all about the skill of the crew.

The racing is Saturday and Sunday. From Zürich it’s possible to leave Friday evening and be back Sunday evening. Having had a blast of weekend racing.

Friday night: We meet at the boat (in Portsmouth) on Friday evening, stay on the boat Friday night.

Saturday: first race start approximately 10h00. Finish racing around 17h00 and head to Isle of Wight.

Saturday evening; eat, drink and dance in a traditional English sailing pub on the Isle of Wight in Cowes, the home of sailing. Sharing tall racing tales with the crews from the other boats.

Sunday; first race start around 10h00. Back to Portsmouth late afternoon and a dash to the airport, fly back to Zürich.

If you’re interested to know more register here, and we’ll send more details. As usual, you can find out more from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or speak to Grant.

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