Lake Sailing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras aliquet tristique diam, vitae pharetra sem scelerisque id. Donec efficitur porttitor rutrum. Nunc id sapien vel nisi malesuada rhoncus. Aliquam tincidunt, sapien in vulputate efficitur, erat ex euismod diam, a aliquet dui mauris id felis. Aliquam ornare nisl tellus, at rhoncus metus luctus at. Aenean nec ligula vitae ipsum mattis interdum vitae vel tortor. In vitae nisl velit. Integer non purus vestibulum, dapibus nibh vitae, auctor nulla. Nunc justo neque, vehicula ac imperdiet quis, pharetra nec ex. Nam ac ornare mauris. Nunc ultrices felis vel felis tristique, quis pellentesque dolor molestie. Quisque ex eros, placerat vel odio id, gravida finibus dolor. Cras dignissim porttitor malesuada. Donec ultricies ultrices fringilla. Morbi ut sollicitudin velit, id tempus eros.

AW Sailing + GV (optional)


After-work fun sail + ZISC annual meeting GV in the city (optional)

Event Date 15-06-2023 5:00 pm
Event End Date 15-06-2023 6:45 pm
Registered 6 [View List]
Available place 0
Waiting List 1 [View List]
Hosted By Lisa Machado
Categories Lake Sailing

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Sailing in Lake Lucerne

Welcome to Saturday Afternoon Sailing in Lake Lucerne! 

Meeting point is Vierwaldstättersee Luzern - Tribschenhorn (10 min. from HB)

The plan is to explore the lake, route will be decided accordingly to wind condition 

Boat: J 70 



Event Date 17-06-2023 2:30 pm
Event End Date 17-06-2023 6:00 pm
Registered 3 [View List]
Available place 0
Waiting List 2 [View List]
Hosted By Michele Papesso
Categories Lake Sailing

Sorry, the event is now full and we could not accept more registration

Let's introduce the kids to the fascinating world of sailing!

Event Date 19-06-2023 3:00 pm
Event End Date 19-06-2023 5:00 pm
Registered 3 [View List]
Available place 0
Waiting List 3 [View List]
Hosted By Mihai Gheorghita
Categories Lake Sailing

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Sunset Sailing

We are going to take out the mOcean in Wollishofen for an Afterwork Sailing and enjoy the sundown on lake Zurich.

Meeting point will be Wollishofen Marina on the nothern pontoon 10min before start in order to sail out at 6pm.

The cost will divided by each participant and will be roughly CHF 20-30.- per person. 

Event Date 20-06-2023 6:00 pm
Event End Date 20-06-2023 8:00 pm
Registered 5 [View List]
Available place 0
Waiting List 3 [View List]
Hosted By Rui Meireles
Categories Lake Sailing

Sorry, the event is now full and we could not accept more registration

Sunset Sailing

We are going to take out the mOcean in Wollishofen for an Afterwork Sailing and enjoy the sundown on lake Zurich.

Meeting point will be Wollishofen Marina on the nothern pontoon 10min before start in order to sail out at 6pm.

The cost will divided by each participant and will be roughly CHF 20-30.- per person. 

Event Date 30-06-2023 6:00 pm
Event End Date 30-06-2023 8:00 pm
Registered 5 [View List]
Available place 0
Waiting List 8 [View List]
Hosted By Rui Meireles
Categories Lake Sailing

Sorry, the event is now full and we could not accept more registration